Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist 

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Being prepared is the first step to ensuring that your home will be warm, dry, and comfortable when the snow arrives. If you perform these important tasks in the fall, your home will be better equipped to handle the winter ahead.


To get ready for the cold-weather months, you’ll want to tackle these tasks inside your home:

Furnace/Heating System
It’s a wise investment to have your heating system and equipment inspected by a qualified professional. They will check for leaks, inspect fan belts, and replace any broken parts. They will also assess the furnace filters and replace them if necessary (a good practice is to replace them twice a year).

Ducts and Ductwork
If your home uses a central heating system, make a quick visit to each vent. Remove the grates for cleaning and vacuuming. Take a moment to check the ducts and seals to ensure there are no holes or other damage.

Space Heater
Unplug the unit and make sure the electrical cord is fully intact with no exposed wires. Vacuum or clean out the heater to remove dust, dirt, and spider webs.

Hot Water Tank
For homes equipped with a tankless, electric, or gas water heater, it is recommended to schedule a thorough cleaning conducted by a certified plumber every two years. This routine maintenance serves as an ideal opportunity to flush the system and eliminate any accumulated sediment, optimizing the efficiency and longevity of the water heater.

The fall months are an ideal time to deep clean your carpets. Since it’s not too cold outside yet, you can open the windows and air out your home during the process.

Ceiling Fans
Dust the blades and reverse the direction of the fan from counterclockwise (summer) to clockwise (winter). When running at a low speed, the fan will gently pull the air upwards, helping to redistribute warm air that collects near the ceiling.

Inspect your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, swapping out expired batteries as required. It is also advisable to verify the expiration dates of your smoke detectors to confirm they’re still functional and provide adequate safety protection.

Humidifiers are beneficial during the winter months to counteract dry air and protect wood surfaces from drying out or warping. If your humidifier has been unused during the summer, it’s important to check that it is clean and fully functional. Clean or change the filters and consult with a certified HVAC professional to confirm that the device is operating correctly.


In the winter, your home’s exterior has to withstand precipitation, strong winds, and temperature changes. Work ahead on this checklist so you’ll be ready for whatever challenging conditions winter may have in store.

Visual Inspection
Walk around the outside of your home and look for anything that needs fixing or replacing, such as siding, wood trim, seals, and paint. Examine the foundation for any soil erosion or tiny cracks, and apply cement sealant if necessary. If you spot any cracks in your driveway, repair them and apply sealant.

Gutters and Downspouts
After the leaves have fallen, it’s essential that you clean out your gutters and downspouts. If these get clogged, they can fill with water and freeze, potentially leading to flooding in your home. Once you’re up on the ladder, scan your roof to see if there are any shingles that need replacing.

Give the deck a good sweeping and cleaning. Generally speaking, avoid pressure washing your deck (especially on a high setting) as it can strip off the sealant. Instead, use cleaning products made for exterior woodwork.

After a summer of delicious backyard cookouts, it’s time to clean and store your barbecue. For propane barbecues, disconnect the tank and store it in a safe place. Move the grill into the shed or cover it tightly against the elements.

Outdoor Furniture/Equipment
It’s time to pack up your lawn mower and any other outdoor equipment. Wash and put away all outdoor furniture and ornaments.

Remove or trim any tree branches that could potentially break during a heavy winter storm and cause damage to your home. Rake up the leaves and inspect your lawn for any areas that need fertilizing and/or reseeding. Finally, clean up the flower beds or vegetable garden so they’ll be ready to grow next spring.

Exterior Water
Qualico homes come with frost-free hose bibs that can function in both winter and summer. However, homeowners must detach any connected hoses by the fall, as leaving a garden hose attached during the winter may cause it to freeze and subsequently leak. Consistent inspection for potential leaks is necessary and if any are found, immediate sealing should be conducted to prevent further issues. If your home has an exterior water shut-off valve (typically located in the utility room) it should be turned to the ‘off’ position for added safety.

Air Conditioner
Trim any plants that have grown too close to your central air unit and remove any leaves, debris, and dirt that have accumulated. Apply its seasonal cover to protect it from rain and snow.

Windows and Doors
Check the condition of the seals on all windows and external doors. If you find any gaps, fill them using caulk or apply weatherstripping. Additionally, inspect doors for any damage or tears in the weatherstripping that might need replacement or repair.

Hire a professional to sweep and clean the chimney. If it doesn’t have a cap, buy and install one to prevent birds and debris from getting in. Make sure the flue is unobstructed and drawing air properly. For homes with gas fireplaces, vacuum them out and use cleaning products specifically made for fireplace glass.

This is an opportune time to clean and organize your storage areas. Declutter by getting rid of broken or unused items. Consider adding peg boards, shelving, or stackable storage totes to maximize the available space.

Once the inside and outside of your home are cleaned and ready for winter, you’ll enjoy great peace of mind as you stay cozy and warm all season long.

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